Creative Portfolio
We are pleased to share a sampling of beautiful weavings by members of the Weaver’s Perfect Memory community.
“We don’t accomplish anything in this world alone…and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one’s life, and all the weavings of individual threads from one to another…”
Sandra Day O’Connor
Jazz Quintet - five pieces of music woven in this 30”x52” cotton table runner
Leslie W
Scarf - collapse fabric deflected double weave as per Van der Hoogt.
superfine merino and perle cotton
9” x 68” plus 5 3/4” twisted fringe
Round Midnight - The pattern in this weave reflects the music for “Round Midnight” by Thelonious Monk.
12” x 36” cotton and rayon sculpture
Rhonda Luckey
Wrap inspired by Sedona’s Red Rocks and Georgia O’Keefe
merino wool, silk, bamboo, 19” x 57”
Matthew B
Scarf - pointed twill on a “Quaker Ladies” threading ( The Handweaver’s Pattern Book)
cotton, 14” x 18” plus fringe
Sandy Trimble taught Matthew weaving using the Weaver’s Perfect Memory.
Rhonda Luckey
Swallows - warp hand-painted
silk, 3/1 twill, 12” x 74”